He Promised Me A Rose Garden
Well, what can I say? The ramblings of yet another southern belle from Georgia. What more can you ask for? Ya'll come back now, you here?
Friday, February 24, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
20 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity

1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with that.
4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "In."
5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.
6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Smuggling Diamonds"
7. Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With The Prophecy."
8. Don't use any punctuation
9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk. 10. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.
11 Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go."
12. Sing Along At The Opera. 13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme.
14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play tropical Sounds All Day.
15. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You're Not In The Mood.
16. Have Your Co-workers Address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock Bottom.
17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won!, I Won!"
18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking lot, Yelling "Run For Your Lives, They're Loose!!"
19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go."
20. And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity..... Send This E-mail To Someone To Make Them Smile. It's called "therapy"
Sunday, February 12, 2006
He Promised Me A Rose Garden

Have you ever taken the time to walk through a Rose Garden?
Walked it alone through the peace of beauty growing?
Through the beauty of color, texture and fragrance
The sun has just come over the horizon
There is just enough to light the garden
You are speechless at the radiant beauty of the morning dew
The delicate little drops which lie there
On the pedals just glimmering from the awakening light
It is the most magnificent when you are alone
It is quiet, peaceful andyou
also find
Like the dew on the rose
There are tears in your eyes
When you awaken toHis presence
Can you feel Him?
The dew knows
As the rose knows
And even the sun knows
They have always known that He awaits
In the garden for you.
This is why the sun is clearly bright
The roses are radiant with thorns smiling color and sweet fragrance
The dew, the tiny dew which sparkles like crisp ice
On a cold southern morning
There is no doubt
His presence.
Each morning is a new sparkling awakening
Before you begin your day
Wake up as the rose garden does
Knowing He is there
He did promise you a Rose Garden
As the thorns of trial and tribulation
Struggle to hold you down,
Bring forth from the dept of your memories
He promised you a Rose Garden
(c) Written by Janis Dianne Published "A Sense Of Place ~ New Southern Poetry Vol III, First Edition May 1995
My wish is that you will find Him.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
What is Your Fantasy ?

What is your fantasy...I mean where you wish to run and hide away ?
Mine is an island ? Jamaca would be a neat place to visit but that is a tourist trap and would one really wish to live in such a crowd. I guess I need to see if there are remote areas to run away to.
I was just reading on my sisters blog how us sibling are "Nocturnal " along with our mother. We love the night and the introvert side to be at peace with ourselves in our own timing. I love sitting under the stars and looking up as I admire the magnificent powers of God's creation as I listen to the night sounds of tree frogs, katidis, and the sounds of the soft breeze blowing the leaves....such peace within. This is the time to think through that wish plagues us all in our everyday life. My question is, how can these day people get all this time to be within themselves with all the noise that the day brings. I work faster without others over my shoulder thus I have my own business....well, kinda, my partner is there but most times I don't have to have him around since his schedule takes him off to run the business on his level.
Oh! back to my fantasy run away to an island. I love the water, the movement of the waves coming in with a gentleness that sings to you. Awwww but the storms come and then those waves come in with a dance that still is exciting as the electrical storm dances its dance on the horizen. Such beauty.
When I was a child, my grandmother use to fuss at me to come off the screen porch wheh it rained and thundered. I loved it as I sat there in the dark of the night watching the scene before me light up in a flash. I was not and am not afraid of such. Which brings up a fact, if you are going to get hit on that porch, you were going to get hit in that house. No, I am not afraid of such for it is beautiful in my eyes and mind.
Some say they would love to take a cruise to Jamaca. That is all well and good, I say, and that is an experiance in itself, I am sure however, I wish to have every second on the sand and sitting next to the beautiful shore. I love to snorkle and see what is there. I love fish and the brillant colors that each have. Isn't it amazing how there are so many varieties of fish and sea creatures.
Wishing you your fantasy and dreams to come true.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Getting to know You.

1a. What time do you like to get up? 9:00 AM
2. Diamonds or pearls? I have to make a choice *laughs*
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? War of the Worlds
4. What's your favorite TV show? HBO love channel, I guess but really like National Geographic
5. What did you have for breakfast this morning? egg, canadian bacon, oatmeal w/apple & cinnamon, orange juice
5 a. What do you normally have for breakfast? 2 oatmeal cookies & black coffee
6. What's your favorite cuisine? Steak & Ale
7. What foods do you dislike? Greasy foods
8. What is your favorite chip flavor? Blue Cheese
9. What's your favorite CD at the moment? Yanni
10. What kind of car do you drive? 2002 Dodge Stratus but I just lost it! Transmission went out and I could not afford to fix it *pouts*
11. What is your favorite sandwich? Reuben (but I don't have that often)
12. What is your favorite type of clothing? Dresses
13. What is your favorite flower? Gardena
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? JAMACA!
15. What color is your bathroom? blue
16. Favorite brand of clothing? Not into brands
17. Where would you retire to? Anywhere there is water, beach and warmth.
18. Favorite time of the day? Night
19. What was your most memorable birthday? mmmm? 16th
20. Where were you born? Duluth, GA
21. Favorite sport to watch? Ice Skating
22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Von
23. Person you expect to send it back first? Karla.
25. Were you named after anyone? Yes! My mothers favorite actress, Janis Paige from the 1940s
26. Do you wish on stars? Oh, yes!
28. Do you like your handwriting? Yes
29. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? Yes
30. Are you a daredevil? mmmmmmmmmmm? I like adventure but not that which would be dangerous
31. Does looks matter? I would hope not. Afterall, looks is only skin deep and it is what is underneath that counts.
32. How do you release anger? Throw things! So, be warned and run!
33. Where is your second home? Basement office
34. What were your favorite toys as a child? Dolls, dolls and more dolls!
35. What class in high school was totally useless? Big ONE! mmmmmmm? Gym *laughs*
36. What are your favorite movies? Comedy
37. What are your living arrangements? another
38. What are your nicknames? rose
39. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Yes, most times ... that is unless I have to pee *laughs& then I push them off
40. Do you think that you are strong? I have grown to be strong in will and courage
41. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Moose Tracks (vanilla with slivers of deep chocolate and peanut butter
42. What are your favorite colors? Azure
43. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? Allowing myself to be a Doormate
44. Who do you miss the most? My grandmother
45. Do you want everyone you sent this to, to send it back? Yes
46. What color pants are you wearing? *pulling up my dress* ughhhhhhhhhhhh! Nevermind 47. What are you listening to right now? The dryer, the footsteps upstairs, and a ever running mouth.
48. Last thing you ate? popcorn
49. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Navy blue
50. Last person you talked to on the phone? Friend of my man's son.
51. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes
52. Favorite drink? Peach Tea
53. Do you wear contacts? No, I don't have the gutts to stick something in my eyes
54. Favorite day of the year? Christmas
55. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy Endings
56. Summer or winter? Summer, I hate winter! But, perfer Spring or Fall
55. Hugs or kisses? Hugs
58. What is your favorite dessert? Coconut Pie
59. What book(s) are you reading? Cold Mountain
60. What's on your mouse pad? What mouse pad? Hey! I use a TRACK ball mmmmmmmm! 61. What did you watch last night on TV
62. Favorite smells? Gardena
63. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Forget it! I won't even go there
64. What's the furthest you've been away from home? Canada when I was at home in GA and Tijuana, Mexico when I live in CA