What is Your Fantasy ?

What is your fantasy...I mean where you wish to run and hide away ?
Mine is an island ? Jamaca would be a neat place to visit but that is a tourist trap and would one really wish to live in such a crowd. I guess I need to see if there are remote areas to run away to.
I was just reading on my sisters blog how us sibling are "Nocturnal " along with our mother. We love the night and the introvert side to be at peace with ourselves in our own timing. I love sitting under the stars and looking up as I admire the magnificent powers of God's creation as I listen to the night sounds of tree frogs, katidis, and the sounds of the soft breeze blowing the leaves....such peace within. This is the time to think through that wish plagues us all in our everyday life. My question is, how can these day people get all this time to be within themselves with all the noise that the day brings. I work faster without others over my shoulder thus I have my own business....well, kinda, my partner is there but most times I don't have to have him around since his schedule takes him off to run the business on his level.
Oh! back to my fantasy run away to an island. I love the water, the movement of the waves coming in with a gentleness that sings to you. Awwww but the storms come and then those waves come in with a dance that still is exciting as the electrical storm dances its dance on the horizen. Such beauty.
When I was a child, my grandmother use to fuss at me to come off the screen porch wheh it rained and thundered. I loved it as I sat there in the dark of the night watching the scene before me light up in a flash. I was not and am not afraid of such. Which brings up a fact, if you are going to get hit on that porch, you were going to get hit in that house. No, I am not afraid of such for it is beautiful in my eyes and mind.
Some say they would love to take a cruise to Jamaca. That is all well and good, I say, and that is an experiance in itself, I am sure however, I wish to have every second on the sand and sitting next to the beautiful shore. I love to snorkle and see what is there. I love fish and the brillant colors that each have. Isn't it amazing how there are so many varieties of fish and sea creatures.
Wishing you your fantasy and dreams to come true.
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