Getting It Together
Bored with this moving back into my home and unpacking, I have been working not only on another adult blog I have but the following tests I found on Yahoo Personal after signing up. Learning about the mistakes of the past and correcting them is a plus in my book. I really think doing the test told me a lot of what I already knew and then some things I was not so aware of.
I greatly appreciate Yahoo and all those involved in putting together what they feel is a help to us. We should pay more attention not only to the red flags, intuition but those qualified in knowing more about people than people know about themselves. I also appreciate the fact that we all can post to a blog for the public and privately for free.
I am in the habit of putting the wrong men in my life and felt it was time to look at myself. I know I am a good hard working woman and give all that I can to make life a happy place however there seems to be somethng terribly wrong. I am tired of wasting my precious energy and life with the wrong men. Now, I feel I know what I should look for.
In the past 10 years I have found that some people on the internet, and in the real world thrive on playing mind games.....telling what they want to be......not sharing who and what they really are. For the truth of you and your personalities do come out and then what? Pray you have the strength to walk away and not look back. In time, none of us will stay with those that are not compatible for a good relationship. We will not stay with those that cause the worst to come out of us. For those that are trusting and not so worldly we fall prey. Hopefully we learn to look with our eyes wide open in the future.
In the past years, some men in my life made foolish comments toward me when I would read self-help books or articles. I really understand why now.
I found the above picture on the internet and hope I don't offend anyone by using it since I put the link back with it. I liked this and "Too Old To Eat" because it made me think of my past relationships. *grins*
Well, for the rest of you, keep on reading and enlighting yourself to what is not only out there but to better understand yourself. I do not recommend any one author or book for I believe in reading every opinion to be had and then take the time to fit what is best for you and your life. As long as we live, we should thrive to learn and stand up for what is right.
I appreciate your comments and feelings expressed.
Wishing you sunshine and roses
Hey I like the sunshine and roses that's life! check out my site www.lovesbible. com let me know what you think.
lol cause that sandwich is moldy thats why its too old to eat lol
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