He Promised Me A Rose Garden
Well, what can I say? The ramblings of yet another southern belle from Georgia. What more can you ask for? Ya'll come back now, you here?
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Our Community Bible Study is watching this movie.
I have seen it 3 times now and still love it.
What is so nice about it....well, there are many things in my opinion.
First, it is the very first movie made of Jesus that the actor actually looks like what He may of looked liked. He looks as the men of the mid east. He does not look like Hollywood's Victorian male with blue eyes and blondish brown hair.
This one looks like first century Israel male.
Secondly, the whole movie has a narrator reading word for word the Bible.
The actors speak in the original language when you do get to hear them.
Thirdly, Jesus has emotions! He actually shows how humans act when they talk, walk and share in real life.
Fourth, look at their clothes.....they are not hemmed, they are tattered, and you will notice Matthews cloak starts to wear out with holes. The details are so authenic.
The background people look like they are the local people of the region.
It is as though you are there with them and interacting with their lives.
I hope you see the movie and enjoy it as much as I did.
Be safe and blessed.
Monday, December 13, 2021
Happy to be back where life is good!
It has been a very long time since my last visit with you here.
I actually forgot I had this blog but glad I have something now that I have chosen to delete my account with Facebook.
I have been though a lot since the last post to move to Belize. Wow! what an adventure that was and a heart break.
But God is Good!
I moved back to Fort Walton Beach, Florida.
I love it here.
Very blessed to have a nice home in a senior community.
Be blessed and safe.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Shalom from Crystal Rose Pharm
Well, time has gone by and here I am once again....blogging. Since the years gone by, I have had ups and downs, much like everyone else that walks the beautiful planet the Creator has made but here I am still. I lost my mother in 2008, my step-dad 7 months later and now my dad recently.
I have been living a single life since for the past seven years and so very happy in that I have no drama within the walls of my home. Does not mean that one does not still have drama in their lives, just you can go into your home, close the door and leave it out there....down the road from your safe haven.
Since my last writing, I left my home in Dahlonega, Georgia to live with my youngest son in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. Soon afterwards, we moved to Bitsburg, Germany where he was being transferred to in the United States Air Force. We lived in a very nice house and the snow during the winter was more beautiful than I had ever seen in the north Georgia mountains. I was amazed at the technology that was surrounding the area with solar panels and wind turbines. My home country is way behind in these as a way of life. I read recently that in Florida, if you put solar up, they want to tax you or cause some kind of fee. I have to shake my head on the idea of trying to push people from bettering our way of life to a better technology. The sun is free, the rain water is free and a gift from our Creator but man wants to put regulations on these gifts. Woe is man!
I did not remain in Germany long because I needed to go back to the states to look into surgery. Being that my son was my guardian, I was able to have my hip replaced through the medical provider on his insurance. What a blessing that was. It had become painful to do stairs or walk for very long without the aid of a cane or walker. The surgery went well and I recovered in half the time that most do....so says my doctor and therapist. I was blessed with good people and family in this time of my life to get me through all this.
I lived in Ft Walton Beach, Florida after I had come back from Germany. I love this part of Florida and even lived on the beach in a condo. My dream for the two years had come true of a life long wish.
I love the gulf and the walks were relaxing and after my surgery was a great way to get back to using my leg fully.
I left the beach in Florida for a little farm land in Cayo District, Belize. I have been here for 14 months now and have a beautiful orchard in the making with a lot of fruit trees, a garden and green house for beautiful flowers and food to eat. I love growing but those that know me, know this to be true.
I can my veggies and have tomatoes, beans, sauerkraut, hot peppers and dried beans. That is just from my first season and had to learn that things do not grow well during the rainy season except the leaf vegetables.
I just started a second season with cherry tomatoes, large tomatoes, black and green beans, mustard greens, kale, Malabar spinach, Korean spinach, salad onions, hot, mild and sweet peppers and Brussels sprouts. Spring seems to be short lived here in Belize and the days are hot and my little sprouts need to be watered in the evenings.
I am looking forward to the crops this season so I can do a lot of food storage by way of canning and drying.
I started a garden room on the opposite end of my back screen porch and in the evening I love to sit out there, listen to the little fountain pond I made and the sounds of the jungle. It is really peaceful and quiet except for the crickets, a few tree frogs and a night bird. Ever so often I hear the rustling of something creeping around in the foliage but it still comforting. Especially since I have rails and screen up on the porch.
The stars are the most magnificent here in Belize. There is no city lights or distractions to distract from the blackness of they sky or their sparkle. The moon seems to be brighter when it is out and you can walk down the road without a flashlight. NOT that I would, mind you, cause that is the time for the snakes *snickers* and I do respect their time to be left alone as I wish to be from them. I have only seen a few small snakes that rush away from me as quick as they can. One of the workers was cleaning off the land next to mine one day last summer and wacked a 6 foot python. Thus the reason I have my little rabbit in a cage up off of the ground.
I named her Itsy cause we didn't know her gender when I first got her and just felt she needed a name. She loves attention. I have been thinking about getting some chicken wire and making a large yard area behind my screened back porch for her to be in during the day. She is too big now for the cage she is in. She loves the greens found on the ground and I get them for her to eat plus that from my garden.
Well, I have caught you up to a point in what is going on in my life. I pray you are all well and doing good in your little part of the world.
Remember, to honor and praise our Creator and God. He did love us all enough to send His only Son to the earth to teach us, show us the way, die for our sins and rose from the dead to prove to us that death will not hold His children down. He is always with us and no matter what happens in our life, He will make us strong and courageous to get through it. Most of all, He wants each and every one of us to look to Him for fellowship. SO! If you see anyone talking to themselves....they are not crazy, cause they are just talking to our Lord.
If you are ever in my little part of the world, please remember that I am here to give you a glass of cold tea.....been doing fresh hibiscus tea and it is not only pretty pink, it is good for you.
My house in the early days. Tons of flowers and plants all around it now. Need to get a new camera cause mine bit the dust.
Shalom from Crystal Rose Pharm
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Is It Time or Other Places That Keeps Me ?
Actually I have been extremely busy these past years with getting my life together, maturing by reading Scriptures and other places. Other places? I do mean my blog over on 360 which you will find a link to.
I do find blogger.com a nice warm place to be. After all, my sisters and my daughter are here although they have not blogged in as long as I have not. Laura has moved on to her "grown up" blog and I need to update that url for her here. She is certainly grown to be a person being with her own mind and ways of doing things. I just wished she didn't mind my hugs when I greet her and leave her.
Reminds me of a story my grandmother told me once. When Lois was a little girl and the Pilgrim family came to visit her fathers farm in Royston, Georgia from over the border in South Carolina she would run and hide under the bed so as not to have to give out hugs or receive them. And now, it is her great granddaughter, Laura that does not wish to be hugged. mmmmmmmmmmm? And I don't believe Laura knew that story about her great grandmother Lois.
This year on the 20th of January, we have lost our mother Ruby. Seems like yesterday and already it has been just over 3 months.
My son Frank has come back to the states from 5 years overseas stationed in Japan and Korea. He now resides at Eglin Air Force base in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. He brought back with him a lovely wife and Aileen is my daughter. I love her dearly and some of her ways are mine. We have a lot in common to our likes and dislikes. That is just so cool!
After about four years I finally took a break and took a vacation down to visit them. I really had a sweet quiet time with them. Aileen even mentioned the night before I left that she wished I would stay longer. That really made me feel good and more than anything I wish I could of stayed longer. But, owning my own business and having to return to my obligations in north Georgia, I had to go home.
Well, this has updated my blog here and hope my family will update there and add pictures as I hope to soon. Want to share my vacation pictures with the rest of you. Check back soon.
*hugs* God Bless you and keep you safe.
I do find blogger.com a nice warm place to be. After all, my sisters and my daughter are here although they have not blogged in as long as I have not. Laura has moved on to her "grown up" blog and I need to update that url for her here. She is certainly grown to be a person being with her own mind and ways of doing things. I just wished she didn't mind my hugs when I greet her and leave her.
Reminds me of a story my grandmother told me once. When Lois was a little girl and the Pilgrim family came to visit her fathers farm in Royston, Georgia from over the border in South Carolina she would run and hide under the bed so as not to have to give out hugs or receive them. And now, it is her great granddaughter, Laura that does not wish to be hugged. mmmmmmmmmmm? And I don't believe Laura knew that story about her great grandmother Lois.
This year on the 20th of January, we have lost our mother Ruby. Seems like yesterday and already it has been just over 3 months.
My son Frank has come back to the states from 5 years overseas stationed in Japan and Korea. He now resides at Eglin Air Force base in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. He brought back with him a lovely wife and Aileen is my daughter. I love her dearly and some of her ways are mine. We have a lot in common to our likes and dislikes. That is just so cool!
After about four years I finally took a break and took a vacation down to visit them. I really had a sweet quiet time with them. Aileen even mentioned the night before I left that she wished I would stay longer. That really made me feel good and more than anything I wish I could of stayed longer. But, owning my own business and having to return to my obligations in north Georgia, I had to go home.
Well, this has updated my blog here and hope my family will update there and add pictures as I hope to soon. Want to share my vacation pictures with the rest of you. Check back soon.
*hugs* God Bless you and keep you safe.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Tag, You're It !

Okay, the point of being tagged is to get you to post in your blog.
So copy these questions to our blog, then answer them.
Happy blogging!
Four Jobs I've had in my life:
1. OB & GYN Front Desk Clerk & Entry Bookkeeper.
2. Bartender
3. Hotel Hospitality Front Desk
4. Business Owner in Antiques, Consignments, Ebay Store, Janitorial Services.
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Chicago
2. Phantom of the Opera
3. Pirates of the Carribean
4. Gone With The Wind
Four places I have lived:
1. Dahlonega GA
2. Torrance CA
3. Tampa FL
4. Garyville LA
Four TV shows I love to watch:
(no special shows)
1. The Travel Channel.
2. National Geographic.
3. A&E
4. Starz Movie Channel
Four places I've been on vacation:
1. Panama City Beach, FL
2. Myrtle Beach, SC
3. Duck, NC
4. St. Augustine, FL
Four websites I visit daily:
1. Yahoo! 360
2. My Ebay Store
3. Blogger
4. Internet News
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Homemade macaroni and cheese
2. Green Fried Tomatoes
3. Speckled Butter Beans
4. Old Fashioned Corn Bread
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. In MY Condo on the beach.
2. On MY yacht in the Carribean.
3. Any beach anywhere.
4. Disney Land & Epcot
Which Kind of Flower Are You

Which Flower are You?
You are a Lily:You are graceful, gentle, calm, and pure and perhaps a little shy (though your shyness is part of your charm). You are a very honorable person who always wants to do the right thing. Your calm attitude has a soothing effect on others.Symbolism: The lily has long been used as a symbol of majesty, honor, chastity, and purity of heart.
Take this quiz!

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
My Latest Crochet Project

My latest project is being done because my daughter has a booth at a festival in her little town Easter weekend. I have crochet rug, a couple of throws, sachets and baby dresses so far.
I love festivals and the things folks make.
Most time they are held in the mountains of North Georgia in the fall.
Wishing each of you sunshine and roses of happiness.